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Poop Like a Pro: How Posture Affects Your Potty Performance

Amira Lamb

I'll admit it—I'm at the point where a bathroom without a Squatty Potty just feels wrong. But seriously, we've covered exercise and abdominal massage, but there's another crucial factor in the constipation equation: posture! Believe it or not, the way you sit on the toilet can significantly impact your ability to poop with ease.

Squatty Potty

The Science of the Squat

Our bodies are designed to eliminate in a squatting position. This posture naturally aligns the rectum and relaxes the puborectalis muscle (remember that "kink in the hose" we talked about?), allowing for smoother stool passage.

Unfortunately, modern toilets don't exactly promote this natural squat. Sitting upright on a standard toilet can actually hinder elimination, leading to straining and discomfort.

Enter the Squatty Potty: Your Potty-Time Power-Up

Squatty Potty Biomechanics

The Squatty Potty is a simple yet ingenious tool that elevates your feet while you're on the toilet, mimicking a squatting position. This helps to:

  • Straighten the rectum: Aligning the rectum for a more natural and effortless elimination.

  • Relax the puborectalis muscle: Reducing straining and making bowel movements easier.

  • Improve pelvic floor health: Supporting optimal muscle function and reducing pressure on the pelvic floor.

Beyond the Squatty Potty: Posture Tips for Potty Perfection

Even without a Squatty Potty, you can still optimize your posture for better pooping:

  1. Elevate your feet: Use a small stool, stack of books, or even a sturdy box to raise your feet while on the toilet.

  2. Lean forward: Gently lean forward, keeping your back straight, to promote better alignment.

  3. Relax: Avoid tensing up or holding your breath. Take deep, relaxing breaths to encourage elimination.

By adopting a more natural posture and incorporating tools like the Squatty Potty, you can transform your bathroom experience and say goodbye to constipation struggles.

Want to learn more about how to improve your gut health and get things moving? Check out these other posts in this series:

Part 3: Poop Like a Pro: How Posture Affects Your Potty Performance

I'd love to hear from you!

Have you tried the Squatty Potty or other posture techniques to improve your bowel movements? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!


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