Weights Before Cardio: The Fat-Burning Secret I've Been Sharing for Years (and the Science Behind It)

If you've ever taken one of my classes or worked with me as a client, you've probably heard me say it countless times: "Weights before cardio!" It's something I've been preaching for years, and today, I'm finally spilling the tea on the why behind this golden rule of fitness.
The Body's Energy Dance
Your body is a master of efficiency, constantly adapting to the demands you place on it. When it comes to exercise, it relies on two primary fuel sources:
Glycogen (stored carbs): Think of this as your body's quick-and-dirty energy source, like a sprinter bursting off the blocks. It's perfect for fueling those intense strength-training sessions and explosive movements.
Fat: This is your body's long-term energy reserve, like a marathon runner pacing themselves for the long haul. It's what we're tapping into when we're aiming for fat loss and a lean physique.
The key to maximizing your workouts lies in understanding how your body chooses which fuel source to use.
The Strategic Sequence: Weights First, Cardio Second
When you kick off your workout with strength training, you're primarily using glycogen to power those muscle contractions. This is fantastic for building strength, sculpting those curves, and boosting your metabolism. But it also strategically depletes your glycogen stores.

Now, here's where the magic happens. When you transition to cardio after lifting weights, your body is already running low on its preferred quick-energy source. This means it's primed and ready to tap into those fat reserves to keep you going. It's like switching from a sugar rush to a sustainable, slow-burning energy source that keeps your fat-burning furnace roaring.
Beyond Fat Burning: More Benefits of the Weights-First Approach
This strategic workout sequence offers more than just optimized fat burning:
Peak Performance: Lifting weights when you're fresh and energized allows you to push harder, lift heavier, and achieve better results.
Injury Prevention: Warming up with strength training helps prepare your muscles and joints for the demands of cardio, reducing your risk of getting sidelined.
Endurance Boost: By depleting glycogen stores with weights first, you challenge your body to adapt and improve its endurance during cardio, helping you go the extra mile.
But What About Fitness Classes?

I get it – sometimes the class schedule doesn't align perfectly with the ideal weights-before-cardio sequence. For whatever reason, gym chains love to put cardio first. So, should you freak out if your favorite spin class is before the strength circuit?
The short answer: No!
While the weights-first approach can optimize fat burning, it's not the only way to achieve your goals. Consistency and overall effort are key. If a class schedule forces you to switch things up, don't stress. Your body is adaptable, and you'll still reap the benefits of both strength training and cardio, regardless of the order.
Prioritizing strength training before cardio can be a powerful tool in your fitness arsenal, especially if fat loss is your goal. But remember, the best workout is the one you'll actually do. So find a routine you love, listen to your body, and keep moving!
The Bottom Line: It's All About Strategy
While there's no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness, prioritizing strength training before cardio is a strategy backed by both science and my years of experience. It's about working smarter and harnessing your body's natural energy systems to achieve your goals.
So next time you hit the gym, remember: weights before cardio. It's a simple switch that can make a big difference in your fitness journey. Now go out there, unleash your inner spark, and let's get those results!
Your Turn: Ready to put this fat-burning strategy to the test? Give it a try in your next workout and let me know how it goes! Share your experience in the comments below or tag me on social media – I'd love to hear about your progress! Instagram: @AmiraLamb Facebook: @HolisticHottie